September 22 11:00 am

We are thrilled to be offering our popular Ballet Retreats again this month! Terez will lead a half-day intensive for the intermediate/advanced dancer. The day will begin with a Yoga class with Tess Lane, followed by a technique class led by Terez. There will be a Turnin’ Tips class for dancers to really hone in on their pirouettes followed by an hour of Repertoire. Check out the schedule below for times.

Enjoy a half-day of ballet with our Ballet Retreats! These Sunday workshops are focused to give students back to back classes to really get the most out of their training. The day begins with a ballet class which is followed by a Technique Tips class. This class can be focused on pirouettes, jumping, port-de-bra, or anything that we are hoping to dig deeping into. Then students will get the opportunity to learn excerpts from Smuin’s current repertoire.

Everyone deserves a bit of a treat, so join us!



Instructor: Terez Dean Orr

Ballet class for the intermediate or advanced dancer, focusing on musicality, expressive footwork, and expressing individuality through movement.



Instructor: Terez Dean Orr

This class will zoom in on an aspect of ballet technique so students can really dive deep and feel stronger.



Instructor: Terez Dean Orr

Learn excerpts from current Smuin Contemporary Ballet repertoire from the dancers you see on stage!

Terez Dean Orr (she/her) teaches Intermediate/Advanced Ballet on Wednesdays. Originating from the Hudson Valley of NY, Terez has danced with Smuin Ballet for fourteen seasons, sharing her passion for dance with the audience and her students. Terez’s classes dive into the elements of neoclassical technique, focusing on dynamic footwork, musicality, and the expansiveness of movement. Approachable, positive, and built to work up a sweat, Terez will help each dancer improve their strength, balance, and grace, all with a smile!

 Favorite San Francisco neighborhood: My vibrant neighborhood of the Castro: on any given day, you may find a cellist on her stoop, an Opera singer practicing in the park, or a colorful costume bestowing a queen. This area represents the artistic and eclectic beauty that makes up our unique city.

Thing that most inspires you: Traveling, discovering new architecture, food, and culture. 

Best advice a teacher ever gave you: “Always feel as if you are draped in the finest of jewels when approaching class or rehearsal. Don’t dance like a frozen fish stick.”